Adrien Anthore
Adrien Anthore

Outreach and Animation

L’Observatoire d’Adrien


In 2021, I created L’Observatoire d’Adrien, a science popularization program on the internet. The goal of this initiative is to communicate and share my knowledge and passion to the general public. I first started with YouTube and then grew my audience and activities with TikTok and Instagram. Today, I make videos about physics in general, Astronomy/Astrophysics, and scientific research. I also post photos of my observations and my activities. To follow and support me, follow this link!

Note: For a variety of reasons, my activity has slowed down drastically, but I’m still producing content, but without any regularity at the moment.


YouTube (French content)

On my YouTube channel, you will find popularized videos on astronomy and astrophysics, but also some basic elements of physics. The target audience is the general public, the youngest and the oldest, the most as well as the least informed. I try to publish videos regularly, and keep a fortnightly rhythm. Videos are published on Sundays at 10 a.m.

Join me on YouTube!

Instagram (French content)

On my Instagram account, you will find three types of content:

Join me on Instagram!

TikTok (English content)

On my TikTok account, I regularly post videos to interact with the community. I do a little popularization on different astrophysical topics, and I enrich my content thanks to questions and interactions from the public. I also post some entertaining videos, always related to astronomy and astrophysics. I recently decided to produce entirely English content with English subtitles, to try to broaden my audience as much as possible, taking advantage of the accessibility to the content that the platform offers.

Join me on TikTok!

Fête de la Science

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The “Fête de la Science” is an annual French event that takes place each year for a week in October. Since 2022, I have participated every year as an animator. In 2022, I have been participating with the student organization Top Aéro at Sorbonne University. I presented to the general public the projects of the organization around aerospace and aeronautics. Since 2023, I have been participating with the Paris Observatory. I lead activities around astronomy and astrophysics and I guide visitors during their visit.

Festival Explor’Espace 2021

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In 2021, I had the opportunity to participate in the Explor’Espace festival organized by the French Astronomy Association (AFA) in Montrouge. I presented to the general public the student projects around aerospace from the student organization Top Aéro.

Other animations

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I regularly participate in meetings between students, or between students and high school students. This is an opportunity for me to pass on my knowledge and my passion, but above all to answer questions about orientation in scientific studies. Orientation is a central question among students. It is often in this context that I go to forums or directly in schools to talk about this subject.